Force is a push or pull. The force can lead to changes - changes as follows:
Force is a push or pull. The force can lead to changes - changes as follows:
1. stationary objects to be moving
2. moving objects become stationary
3. the shape and size of the object changes
4. direction of motion of change
Kind of - kind of Force
Based on the cause, the force divided
as follows:
as follows:
a. force machines, which is a style that originated from the engine
b. the magnetic force, the force from the magnets
c. the gravitational force caused by the earth's attraction
d. the spring force, the force generated by the spring
e. the electrical force, the force generated by the electric charge
By its nature, force grouped into:
a. touch force, the force of which arise because the point of the work force, direct
contact with the object.
b. do not touch force, the force that arose although the point of the work force
is not in contact with object.
A Balanced Position
Two forces said to be balanced when the two forces
were equal, opposite, and located one line. Resultant force - a force that
balanced R = 0.
If an object is in a state of balance (R = 0), then the object does not change the motion so:
If an object is in a state of balance (R = 0), then the object does not change the motion so:
a. object at rest will remain silent
b. object would still have suffered GLB GLB.
Friction force is the force arising from direct contact between the two surfaces of the objects in the opposite direction of the trend direction of motion of objects.
by Fg = force of friction
Friction force is the force arising from direct contact between the two surfaces of the objects in the opposite direction of the trend direction of motion of objects.
by Fg = force of friction

Great friction force depends on the touch surface roughness. The more rough
surface, the greater the friction force arising.
How to minimize the friction force:
a. smooth surface, for example by
providing lubricating oil or sanding the surface.
b. separating the two surfaces in contact with air, such ships are basically a
part of the air-filled buoys.
c. place objects on wheels - wheels, making it easier to move objects.
Adverse Friction Force.
Adverse Friction Force.
Examples of adverse friction force:
a. the friction force on the engine and clutch cause excessive heat so fast
the engine is damaged due to wear.
b. the friction force between the tires cause the tires to wear faster and
c. the friction force between the car winds can impede the movement of the
Influence of body weight is the gravitational force acting on the object.
Thus: W = m g.
W = weight of the object (N)
m = mass of the object that is the size of many
substances contained in the object (kg)
g = acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 ms-2)
Influence of body weight is the gravitational force acting on the object.
Thus: W = m g.
W = weight of the object (N)
m = mass of the object that is the size of many
substances contained in the object (kg)
g = acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.8 ms-2)
sorry in advance I want to ask
BalasHapusCan you give an example of a time in the daily lives of five styles according to the cause?
thanks for the question ...
Hapusexample is the man who was standing on the surface .... he would be interested in earth gravity and body mass down ....... but why he did not fall down???? ..... it caused he got the normal force of permukkaan earth ...
examples of friction in daily life worthwhile?
BalasHapusthank you for his questions ...
Hapusexample is the Roll a ball on the slippery floor, what happened? Turns out the ball rolled along the floor and hold. Now roll the ball on the ground! What is going on? Apparently the movement of the ball will be slower and eventually stops. Why is that? This is due to the friction between the ball to the ground. Friction can occur in solids, liquids, and even gases. Objects always generate heat rub.
thank u for the information...^^
BalasHapusyou'r welcome
HapusAssalamu'alaikum wr.wb
BalasHapusThank You for the information
i just want ask you, your last explanation ebout heavy object with force?
thank you for your question ....
HapusObjects attract other objects because objects have mass, the attraction between two objects that have mass called gravity.
example: If there are no cords that bind, or other styles that push or pull an object that is partially or completely submerged in the fluid, only the gravity and buoyancy forces that determine what happens.
Gravity is directly proportional to the density and volume of the object, and the buoyant force depends on the density of the fluid and the amount of fluid displaced by the object.
The motion of objects is affected by the magnitude of the buoyant force pushing up objects and gravity were pulling down.
i like your article.,.,good.,.,
BalasHapusthank's for your article,,
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