design a simple research about the kinetic energy associated with your daily life and arrange your report in accord with the sixth science process skills you have already understood.
Answer :
Kinetic energy is the energy of an object Which language are owned by the influence of the movement. The Moving objects have energy kinetik.Misalnya Arrow The bow has a stretched elastic potential energy. Acute detachable strap, Darts Will Move or say has kinetic energy or motion energy.
Formula or kinetic energy equation:
Formula or kinetic energy equation:
Usually, when you think about energy you think about motion. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion Illustrations shape. The spinning wheel bike, orangutans The trot, And The Floating plastic all have kinetic energy. How much?

design a simple research about the kinetic energy associated with your daily life and arrange your report in accord with the sixth science process skills you have already understood.
Answer :
Kinetic energy is the energy of an object Which language are owned by the influence of the movement. The Moving objects have energy kinetik.Misalnya Arrow The bow has a stretched elastic potential energy. Acute detachable strap, Darts Will Move or say has kinetic energy or motion energy.
Formula or kinetic energy equation:
Formula or kinetic energy equation:
Usually, when you think about energy you think about motion. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion Illustrations shape. The spinning wheel bike, orangutans The trot, And The Floating plastic all have kinetic energy. How much?
energy depends
on the mass and speed
of a moving object. The greater
the mass of a moving object,
its kinetic energy also increases. Similarly, the
greater the speed of moving objects, the greater the kinetic energy.
1. A car with a mass of 120 kg of the street with a speed of 12 m / s. How much kinetic energy when it hits the ground?
dik: m = 120 kg
V = 12 m / s
Ek dit ....?
replied: Ek = 1/2. m.v
Ek = 1/2 x 120 x 12
Ek = 1/2 x 1440
Ek = 720 joules
2. A particle of mass 10 kg is accelerated from 10 m / s to 20 m / s in 5 second. How much kinetic energy changes experienced by the particle?
MVO EK_awal = ½ ² = ½ ² = 500 J .10.10
EK_akhir = ½ mv ² = ½ ² = 2000 J .10.20
ΔEK = 1500 J
2. describe an experiment which associated with the following terms : pendulum, frictional force and highest point. then enter the terms into the procedure so that these terms included in your experiment.
1. A car with a mass of 120 kg of the street with a speed of 12 m / s. How much kinetic energy when it hits the ground?
dik: m = 120 kg
V = 12 m / s
Ek dit ....?
replied: Ek = 1/2. m.v
Ek = 1/2 x 120 x 12
Ek = 1/2 x 1440
Ek = 720 joules
2. A particle of mass 10 kg is accelerated from 10 m / s to 20 m / s in 5 second. How much kinetic energy changes experienced by the particle?
MVO EK_awal = ½ ² = ½ ² = 500 J .10.10
EK_akhir = ½ mv ² = ½ ² = 2000 J .10.20
ΔEK = 1500 J
2. describe an experiment which associated with the following terms : pendulum, frictional force and highest point. then enter the terms into the procedure so that these terms included in your experiment.
A. pendulum
Pendulum motion is harmonic motion around the equilibrium point at him as the head or swinging from side to side. Unlike the spring swing that moves along a vertical line or called a nodding motion.
With the pendulum swing that relies on factors strap length and value of the acceleration of gravity, it is specifically for the earth can be used to determine in a simple gravity than methods that rely on water drops in free fall motion.
In a physics lab we use u {x} to indicate the numerical uncertainty of the physical quantity x, which can be either measurements or calculations. For example, u {x} = 0.2 cm means that the "vagueness" of the way we measure x is 0.2 cm. If we measure x 34.7 cm into, we say it is probably in the range of 34.5 cm to 34.9 cm.
One way to find a specific random error in measurement to measure many times the same amount in the same way. The higher the number of trials, the closer on average to the true value (assuming no systematic error and the normal distribution of the error actual value).
Subsequent experiments were simulated to determine the acceleration of gravity using a pendulum swing or pendulum cool.
Pendulum motion is harmonic motion around the equilibrium point at him as the head or swinging from side to side. Unlike the spring swing that moves along a vertical line or called a nodding motion.
With the pendulum swing that relies on factors strap length and value of the acceleration of gravity, it is specifically for the earth can be used to determine in a simple gravity than methods that rely on water drops in free fall motion.
In a physics lab we use u {x} to indicate the numerical uncertainty of the physical quantity x, which can be either measurements or calculations. For example, u {x} = 0.2 cm means that the "vagueness" of the way we measure x is 0.2 cm. If we measure x 34.7 cm into, we say it is probably in the range of 34.5 cm to 34.9 cm.
One way to find a specific random error in measurement to measure many times the same amount in the same way. The higher the number of trials, the closer on average to the true value (assuming no systematic error and the normal distribution of the error actual value).
Subsequent experiments were simulated to determine the acceleration of gravity using a pendulum swing or pendulum cool.
Determine the length of rope that will be used.
2. Pull rope with an angle ranging from 1o
3. Remove the rope and let the pendulum swing 10 times and note the long swing
4. Swing time 10 times then determined by dividing the value of the period by the number of swings that do (10 times) before.
5. Look at the results
2. Pull rope with an angle ranging from 1o
3. Remove the rope and let the pendulum swing 10 times and note the long swing
4. Swing time 10 times then determined by dividing the value of the period by the number of swings that do (10 times) before.
5. Look at the results
B. Friction Force
Friction force is the force due to two surfaces in contact. Frictional force acting on the two surfaces in contact, when the object is not moving is called static friction (fs symbol). Friction forces at work when a moving object is called kinetic friction force (symbol fk). Frictional force working opposite direction of the velocity benda.besar friction force proportional to the Normal style.
Here is a caption for the picture below: fk is the kinetic frictional force, fs is the force of static friction, F is the drag force, N is the normal force, w is the weight force, m is mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity.
Friction force is the force due to two surfaces in contact. Frictional force acting on the two surfaces in contact, when the object is not moving is called static friction (fs symbol). Friction forces at work when a moving object is called kinetic friction force (symbol fk). Frictional force working opposite direction of the velocity benda.besar friction force proportional to the Normal style.
Here is a caption for the picture below: fk is the kinetic frictional force, fs is the force of static friction, F is the drag force, N is the normal force, w is the weight force, m is mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity.
1. Provide tools and materials, namely: Timber wood (as oblique object), timber (as objects), a ruler, a bow, and a balance sheet.
2. Measure the mass of the object in advance
3. Place objects on wood beams
4. Pick up wood beams slowly
5. Note the angles when the object is stationary, at the right object will move, and when the object moves straight uniform.
6. Furthermore, it can be the result.
1. Provide tools and materials, namely: Timber wood (as oblique object), timber (as objects), a ruler, a bow, and a balance sheet.
2. Measure the mass of the object in advance
3. Place objects on wood beams
4. Pick up wood beams slowly
5. Note the angles when the object is stationary, at the right object will move, and when the object moves straight uniform.
6. Furthermore, it can be the result.
3. make a simple calculation about electrical using the formula your well known. write done your solution and explain it by using your sentence ( change the number or symbol)
static electricity
Static electricity (elektrostatic) is a collection of large amounts of electric charge, the static (no flow), but in case of discharging the charge time is very short.
Utilization of static electricity in everyday life include:
1. The antidote Lightning
2. Van de Graaff Generator
3. Tools smoke clotting
4. Car painting.
5.Mesin copy
A. How Generates Electricity Charged Objects
Electrically charged object is an object that have excess or shortage of electrons. Some simple ways to create static electricity are:
1. Plastic ruler rubbed on dry hair will negatively electrically charged.
2. Glass that has been rubbed with fur would be positively charged.
B. Types of Electrostatic Discharge
In the atom consists of a nucleus and electrons. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons, positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons (neutral). Atom is called neutral if the number of protons in the nucleus equals the number of electrons surrounding the nucleus. Positive atom is an atom that has more positive charge than negative charge.
C. Coulomb law
Charles Augustin de Coulomb was the first to examine the relationship with the two charge electric force and the distance between them by using a torsion balance. In that study ultimately concludes Coulumb in a law called the law of Coulumb:
large repulsion ataugaya attraction between two electrically charged objects, is directly proportional to the respective electric charge and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two charged objects.
Mathematically, Coulomb's law can be formulated:
F = force of attraction or repulsion (Newton)
k = constant = 9 × 109 N m2 C-2
q1, q2 = charge of each object (Coulomb)
r = distance between the two objects (meters)
F = force of attraction or repulsion (Newton)
k = constant = 9 × 109 N m2 C-2
q1, q2 = charge of each object (Coulomb)
r = distance between the two objects (meters)
1). Two charges each lates q1 and q2 = 6 = 12 to 30 cm apart lates. Determine the force that occurs between two charge, use the constant k = 9 x 109 in standard units!
q1 = 6μC = 6 x 10-6 C
q2 = 12μC = 12 x 10-6 C
r = 30 cm = 0.3 m = 3 x 10-1 meters
F = ....?
Coulomb force obtained from the formula

2). The amount of energy required to move the 3500 coulumb at 240 V potential difference is .....
Q = I.t
W = V.I.t = V.Q = 240 x 3500/1000 = 840 kJ
3). The great obstacles to a potential difference between the conductor that the two ends 120 V and 1.5 A current generated is ....
R = V / I
R = 120/1.5
= 80 ohms
1). Two charges each lates q1 and q2 = 6 = 12 to 30 cm apart lates. Determine the force that occurs between two charge, use the constant k = 9 x 109 in standard units!
q1 = 6μC = 6 x 10-6 C
q2 = 12μC = 12 x 10-6 C
r = 30 cm = 0.3 m = 3 x 10-1 meters
F = ....?
Coulomb force obtained from the formula
2). The amount of energy required to move the 3500 coulumb at 240 V potential difference is .....
Q = I.t
W = V.I.t = V.Q = 240 x 3500/1000 = 840 kJ
3). The great obstacles to a potential difference between the conductor that the two ends 120 V and 1.5 A current generated is ....
R = V / I
R = 120/1.5
= 80 ohms
make an essay
about sound as a wave . then show at least three evidences and exemplifying
about it.
Sound Waves
The sound is one of the waves, the longitudinal wave. Longitudinal wave is a wave whose direction rambatnya parallel or coincide with the direction of vibration. Examples of longitudinal wave is a wave in slinki and sound waves in the air. In the shape of the sound wave propagation and renggangan density formed by particles of intermediate sounds. When the sound waves propagating in air, intermediaries are particles in the air. Sound waves can not propagate in a vacuum because there is no indoor air particles in the air.
The sound of the waves have properties similar to the properties of the wave are:
a. Can be reflected (reflection)
Reflected sound can occur when sound on hard surfaces, such as the surface of the stone walls, cement, steel, glass and zinc.
- Our voices were louder in the cave due to the reflection of sound on the wall of the cave.
- Our voices inside the building or music studio that does not use a silencer.
b. Can be refracted (refiaksi)
Refiaksi linatasan wave is slue direction after passing the boundary between two different media.
Example: At night the sound of thunder sounded louder than during the day because of the refraction of sound waves.
c. Can be combined (interference)
Just as light interference, interference noise also requires two coherent sources of sound.
Example: Two loudspeakers are connected to a signal generator (audio frequency generators) can serve as two coherent sources of sound.
d. Can be bent (diffracted)
Diffraction is flexing event sound waves when passing through a narrow slit.
Example: We can hear the sound of the room of different and closed, because the sound through narrow slits that are passable sound.
B. The sound source
Sound sources are all things that vibrate and produce sound propagating through a medium or through an intermediary agent ketelinga.
The sound is produced by vibrating objects. Things that prove that the sound produced by a vibrating object is:
1. End of the ruler making a sound that vibrated.
2. At yell, if held down our throats will be felt vibrating.
3. Plucked guitar string will vibrate and cause noise.
4. The skin on the drum or drum when hit seemed to vibrate.
The sound occurs when three conditions are met, namely:
1. The sound source
Objects that can produce sound called sound source. Examples of sound sources is a variety of musical instruments, such as guitar, violin, piano, drums, trumpet and flute.
2. Substance Intermediaries (Medium)
Sound waves are longitudinal waves that are not visible. The sound can only propagate through a medium intermediaries. For example air, water, and wood. Without an intermediary medium sound can not propagate so it will not be heard. Based on research, a solid sound propagation medium is best compared liquids and gases.